I'm not here anymore. Nope not here. Well I'm here, that is here where I'm sitting but not here as in this very location of my blog.
Nope I'm HERE, my new blog that is.
Please come by and visit - stop in and say hi, grab a latte and let's chat.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
New Home CUP
Change is here!!!
I have MOVED!
I have a new home....well no I still live in my same house but my blog has new home.
Come see my new HOME!
Thanks for you joining me on my journey so far.....
I have MOVED!
I have a new home....well no I still live in my same house but my blog has new home.
Come see my new HOME!
Thanks for you joining me on my journey so far.....
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Smile CUP

Today is brighter
Today I'm better
I didn't go to church - I stayed home so I could have some time alone and read and did some writing and then sat at my computer going through so many pictures and so many blessings and thanked the Lord for how many times each day my cup overflows. I am blessed.
So today I smiled...especially when I see pictures of my family and friends and my sweet niece and nephew and think of how full my cup is with all of them in it!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Good and Plenty CUP
Today was a very hard day....matters of the heart are always very hard....today was very very hard. Have I mentioned it was hard.....it was!

ahhhh sushi and I didn't have to put on any make-up or even get dressed! 
love of dear friends......good and plenty of it is what I needed today!
and then on the spur of the moment, like the wind whirled them away before they could talk any sense into themselves......they were out the door and on the way to Best Buy to purchase some fun for today.......a latte would have been much cheaper but who am I to complain!

8 hours later and my thighs and stomach and arms and calves and butt and everything else hurt......I like distraction but hurt in another form isn't exactly what I had in mind but it was a blessing and I laughed and smiled and had good and plenty fun! Thanks friends!
Not all of today was good and plenty though......

I can't be funny
I can't really focus so no work has been done...list what list?
It's hard to hope even though I know that's the only way
It's hard to trust yet I know I have to
It's hard to believe but then what am I really without belief
A friend said today would catapult me - I think I like that word so I thought I should use it (a weak attempt at funny-ness today)
I pray she's right
....I can't make sense either so please forgive me :)
Today was hard
Today my BFF and my friend Kailey surrounded me with comfort....
They went to the store to make me some comfort food...
Salmon and scallops and shrimp and crab....
ahhhh sushi and I didn't have to put on any make-up or even get dressed!
then Kailey brought me one of my favorite candies....
love of dear friends......good and plenty of it is what I needed today!
and then on the spur of the moment, like the wind whirled them away before they could talk any sense into themselves......they were out the door and on the way to Best Buy to purchase some fun for today.......a latte would have been much cheaper but who am I to complain!
8 hours later and my thighs and stomach and arms and calves and butt and everything else hurt......I like distraction but hurt in another form isn't exactly what I had in mind but it was a blessing and I laughed and smiled and had good and plenty fun! Thanks friends!
Not all of today was good and plenty though......
the sprayer on the faucet is in need of some help....I kind of felt like this faucet earlier today....water breaking free from it's normal trained flow and squirting everywhere and some crusted hard water stains to boot....yes I kind of feel like it does!
Tomorrow is a new day - thank the Lord for new mercies every day!
BTW - this isn't AT ALL the "change" I told you was comin'.....this was simply an unexpected intermission. Change in a completely other form is still a comin'.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Change CUP
Change...it's kind of a funny word isnt' it? A word that many people are afraid of?
I'm actually not one of them.
Change doesn't really bother me but then again maybe I haven't had to experience much life altering change. Sometimes I think I'm a creature of habit but then I'm not (especially if you track what time I get up and/or go to bed every night). I don't follow a routine...yet you've seen my excel life. I think I love details and multi-tasking but I'm willing to ebb and flow as situations dictate (or so I fool myself anyway).
But there are people that do not like the word change and.....gasp.......gulp.....sigh...hits them all at once.
That's not me. Is it you?
Change - cause to be different....change can be good right?
Change - to give a completely different form or appearance to.....hmmm
Change - to give and receive reciprocally.....too big of a word for me at this time in the morning...sorry.
Change - to exchange for or replace with another (that's not so bad if it's of equal or greater value)
Change - to lay aside, abandon, or leave for another.....ooooooh maybe this one is what causes people to gasp?
Change - to give a completely different form or appearance to.....hmmm
Change - to give and receive reciprocally.....too big of a word for me at this time in the morning...sorry.
Change - to exchange for or replace with another (that's not so bad if it's of equal or greater value)
Change - to lay aside, abandon, or leave for another.....ooooooh maybe this one is what causes people to gasp?
Change - now I don't like the kind of change in the form of a lower domination in many currencies....no not so much. It weighs down my purse!
Well my blogger friends.....in case you hadn't noticed the theme.......

I know you're sitting on the edge of your seat.......stay tuned!!
Happy Friday....my favorite day of the week and that's never changed!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Music CUP
So I have a question for all you bloggers out there in blog land........so please chime in even if we've never met and you have dropped by to visit from time to time........
I'm curious....I'm torn......of course I know what Tracie's answer is but I want to hear everyone elses as well :)
When you visit blogs, do you like music on them or no?
I'm curious....I'm torn......of course I know what Tracie's answer is but I want to hear everyone elses as well :)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Plug and Pour CUP
I tell all my Washington friends that coffee comes out of the faucets in their town...this would be even better seeing that I'm clearly addicted to both coffee and computers!
Spreading the Word and the Prayer CUP big time!

As many of you know I went through a rough patch a couple months ago when someone who got access to my blog used it poorly....I'll admit it had me stop and think, should I secure my blog, should I password protect it, should I? I do this to share and to meet new people and to reach people I'd never be able to without the internet. I've made some new friends simply by stumbling upon their blog, secretly reading it and never posting cuz I felt like a blog stalker but then I got over that and have since made some new friends, have been encouraged and touched by old friends since reconnecting this way and have had many a many laughs....oh how it feels good to laugh! So why should I block that access....but when someone has hurt you, you want to close it off. I didn't and I'm thankful!
This mom and her blog are amazing and since Stellan went back into the hospital a week and a half ago, she has been getting over 200,000 hits! What a testimony she is and what a message she has been able to share of love and hope!
She created this link called Stellan's Name Gallery where people have taken pictures of his name written from literally all over the world - the pictures will give you chills..Check it out! She has and is touching thousands of people through this physical struggle of her baby! What a testimony!
I love that our blogs can not only be journals of our lives, pictures of our memories, fun, entertaining and many times a message of love and encouragement! This sweet mom would never have so many people praying for her precious baby if it wasn't for her blog!
So blog on friends.......blog on!
Spring CUP and FREE too!!

FREE - 3 of them! No not from me - I don't have that kind of advertising on my site yet....yet? Not sure I want it but you know what I mean.
Well miss Pioneer Woman is giving away 3 of them today so go enter before 8pm PST!!! You even get to pick your own color!!!
Go go go - yes leave me now and go here...or here...or here (in case you missed it the first 12 times!
P.S. Pic borrowed....okay stolen from TPW website!! See what I'm willing to do for you!!??
Monday, March 30, 2009
Weekend CUP...time off...sort of!
Hello out there - so I just realized as I went to post this morning that my Saturday scheduled post (my last beauty product post) didn't happen and for now I'm not sure why....I'll dig into it later and find out....oh the anticipation I can hear it (well along with the crickets).
and this

I actually took the day off Saturday (well almost the whole day) - woo hoo! I didn't go into my office at home at all......and for good reason......
My day was packed - it started by waking up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning - gasp - yes I know! Never fear....Starbucks drive-thru at 7:30 to my rescue!!
You see....I needed to make it to Newport Beach by 9:30 for this:

Do you blame me?
Marcus had a soccer game so I came prepared with my telephoto lens to capture the moment. I mean is there anything cuter than 4 year olds playing soccer??

These boys were ready to play!!

Not sure if he's dancing or running....but who cares!!
As soon as I got out of the car and Marcus saw my camera he had a huge smile on his face and my sis told him "see I told you auntie would bring her camera". However I soon realized that I had to be a little more discreet with my camera because whenever Marcus saw me he just turned and smiled at the camera and didn't pay attention and ran the wrong way...oops! Sorry Coach!

Can you resist that smile and oh the bouncy curls?????????
Sophia had a game of her own on the sidelines....

shhhhh don't tell but I think she can kick better than her big brother......

Just when my sis said that to me....out of nowhere came Marcus' big play of the day....well actually of the season....

I mean look at #5 go.....

and now this is a killer kick.....

"hey wait a sec.....I want to do that...."

back to coloring for a bit.....

what a game!

So fun to be there and to see Marcus so excited that his auntie came to watch.
Can you believe I used to tell my BFF, after her first nephew was born, that she was an obsessed auntie??? As you can imagine, I've eaten those words a thousand times over!!!!
Thanks for indulging me in an auntie moment.....I've made you all wait far too long for updated pics :) so I had to make it a good one!!
After the game I headed to a Starbucks in Newport for yes latte #2 of the day and a meeting with a wedding planner out of Newport Beach who heard I was coming down and wanted to meet with me and see samples of my work - it was a fabulous meeting and a new business contact for more opportunities!! I loved her and can't wait to work together with many new brides! I feel so blessed!
After my Starbucks meeting I headed to Irvine Spectrum for lunch with a friend I've known since we were 20. She lives in San Diego so we meet in the OC once or twice a year to catch up.
After a fabulous lunch with an old friend, I love it when you can pick up where you left off like no time has passed, I went and picked up Marcus and Sophia for an afternoon together and dinner at McDonald's (and latte #3 for me - I think I have a problem folks) so my sis and Rod could spend some time with friends. After the kids went to bed, I said good bye and headed home. I finally tucked myself in at home at 10:30! Phew!!
I will get back to my last beauty product post when I figure out why it didn't post upon schedule....for now I'm finishing up this...it's assembly time!

These are for Ronnie's sweet sister - what an honor to work with Bernie and Rodrigo on their wedding! I love what I do!!
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