Monday, October 20, 2008

My weekend CUP

I spent the weekend with Marcus and Sophia so my sis and Rodney could celebrate their 5th Anniversary. I made the mistake earlier this year of giving my nephew some pirate he never wants to take it
Marcus said "Auntie AA take a "cool" picture of me".....this is his cool pose...not sure who taught him this but can anyone say....Rico Suave?
Love this little only took 20 pictures to get one where she wasn't frowning!
Auntie took them to the Pumpkin Patch.....we didn't buy a $20 Newport Beach pumpkin though...we just sat on them :).
Yes I was honestly the photographer in these 2 pictures standing in the petting zoo....once I realized I was inside the fence and animals all around me.....I snapped a few shots and got out of there :). The things I'll do for my niece and nephew.....


Jayme Solomon said...

So nice of you to watch them. It looks like they had a great time with their Auntie AA.

Jenny M. said...

ohhhhh I would've loved to have seen you with the animals!!!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable, you and animals are never in the same sentance together...... WOW, this is the first... You definitely LOVE your nephew and niece....

Ryan, Kelli, Kiana and Madison Gleeson said...

You are a good Auntie...! Im not a petting zoo fan--but my girls LOVE them. I just try not to think about the germs diseases etc. the animals carry. Nothing a bath (bleach bath---just kidding) can't help RIGHT when we arrive home--right? You are SO good to your niece and nephew--I'm sure you are the BIGGEST blessing to your sister. Love you!