Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just one CUP at a time.....

Post numero uno........

Well here I am finally getting my blog started (yes even though I created the account over a year ago). I guess I kept putting it off because I would read so many others and think how witty and funny you all are, how much great stuff you have going on in your life that you can share, and then there's the fact that I'm no Holla girl (this cups for you Jenny and Hollie....). Anyhooo here I go......maybe I'm finally doing this because I turned 40 and think I've somehow empowered myself (should that even be possible) so now I feel certain that you all will think I'm witty and funny and interesting....noooo I know you will!!

Well here's hoping you enjoy my blog and sharing my CUP........cheers!!


Jenny M. said...

Yay! So proud of you! Welcome to the blog world!!

Can't wait to see you soon! xoxox

Andrea said...

I know I can't believe I actually did it!! So now there's crackbook, crackberry and crackblog?! oye.....

Jayme Solomon said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that you're joining us in blogland! I really enjoy it. It's my online scrapbook and it definitely helps me remember everything that we do as a family. Looking forward to many more posts. =)