Friday, February 27, 2009

Help Me CUP!

I need your help my faithful friends.....

My recipe book cabinet in my kitchen is yet another big reason for my Hunt for Junk House Tour (I will blog about the specifics of this soon since several of you have asked me what exactly I'm doing)........notice the before and after - pathetic before I know....I'm still in process I tell ya!!

But notice in the after how my shelves are all one notch lower....argh!!! My house came with these adjustable shelfs with plastic plug brackets (don't know what you call them - that's my chick definition) that are horrible and really don't hold up well.....hence losing most of my crystal, including my Waterford, last year (pic at the bottom so you can cry with me - very sad day).

Anyway since I'm in my kitchen this month on my tour and have reorganized almost every cabinet now I've discovered that more than half of these plastic brackets that hold the shelves in place have broken and when they do break, some have been hanging by a thread I tell ya, they leave the plastic plug piece that goes in the adjustable holes IN THE HOLE...are you following me.....then forcing me to put the shelf up one or down one notch.

Soooo has anyone else had a problem with this? Any new brackets you recommend? The only thing I've been able to drill the plastic plug out but I'm a little scary with the man chore drill sometimes and if I try to do it on this particular cabinet - I'm liable to go right through the side since they aren't that thick and leave a hole on the outside. This cabinet is exposed to the world on both sides so that would be no bueno and I would leave it looking like swiss cheese.

Here are the brackets I'm talking about that should be illegal :)

If you have any suggestions, I'd love it!! :)

Sad day last July 29th..............this also happens to be a good picture of my kitchen before - I'll post a pic when it's done cuz the clutter has gone on the junk hunt!


1 comment:

Jenny M. said...

I will ask my favorite HandyMan and get back to you!! He lives for this stuff!