So when something is a "to-do" but it's weeks or months away it's a huge relief to right it down on that month and I don't think about it again because I've written it down and when the times comes I'll deal. I've kind of always done this but not as seriously as I do now and I never let it go like I do now.....
But....I learned a lesson about lists (and those of you that have reached this point of my post and are yawning...this is for you). My dear friend Jenny....I helped her plan her wedding so naturally we spent months together chatting and planning away (ahhh Jenny I miss our sofa times so much). Then one day something happened........things were not as hunky-dory with us as usual and she was upset and before I knew it I was handing her kleenex and thinking "oh Andrea what did you do now"?
Well what I thought was this new found genius way of living is not so genius, much less helpful, for everyone. There are people out there, yes I was shocked too, that DON'T LIKE LISTS.....gasp (me too)! Little miss dear Jenny is one of them. She keeps things sorted out differently then my one giant freaky-task list. Well, I had cleverly mapped out the last 2 months of her engagement for her down to when she would buy bridesmaids gifts, wrap them, buy this, get this, etc. I was truly patting myself on the pack and no this isn't a thing normal wedding planners do but she's a close friend we walked this road together, every ribbon of it.
Well let me tell ya it wasn't pretty.....the list absolutely overwhelmed her. What spoke organization to me spoke OH MY HEAVENS to her. She needed to stay organized in a different way then me. So needless to say we quickly adapted and out the door the list went and still everything went off without a hitch...well except for the part where she moved to Washington - that still bothers me cuz it WASN'T on my list!
This is the "system" (if you really want to call it that) that I follow today - good 'ol excel!
My BFF came in my office last night and said so "what do you have going on tomorrow night" and I said "look" (pointing at Wed's column) and she goes "ohhhhh".....haha! It was funny...okay maybe you had to be there.
I can't keep it all on my iphone, however I do use the notes app on my iphone alot for shopping lists, etc but i need a bigger visual so excel seems to work. Is there a better way - anyone? What do you do?
Today I picked up a pair of pants I had altered that I'd been meaning to get since last Friday but it wasn't on the list. After I picked them up and got back to my office...I added it to the list just so I could cross it off! I know I'm nuts.....but I know some of you have done the same thing before. We like the feeling of accomplishment way too much to not get the credit! ha!
Yes you list makers are a wonder to me, but hey you do seem to accomplish a lot! All I can say is hurray for the almighty calendar, I am all for horizontal instead of vertical...wait, that didn't sound very nice. Anyway, you are such an example to all of us in your organizational skills.
Thank you for being so patient and bending your ways to accomodate mine back then...I couldn't have done it without you!!
That was funny! Oh how my husband would wish I had a little of your list skills in me. I'm the type that makes a grocery list but leaves the house without it. Or the type that shouts out in victory when I do remember to bring it but then I don't get everything on the list?!?! I've got issues with lists. I wish I could say I love them.
It always feels good to cross things off, doesn't it??? I should make lists more, but even when I do I still tend to forget things at the grocery store. Oye!
alas, I am in the Jenny camp. I TRY to have SOME sort of list but like Jenny am more of an organic sorta gal and I like to keep all my options open! HAHAHAHHAHA - just SEEING that excel spreadsheet picture completely overwhelmed me! HAHAHAHA
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