Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Eve CUP

I spent New Year's Eve with the crew at Tracie and Jason's house. We were all done with cooking after the holidays so we ordered StoneFire and just relaxed. It was a mellow night with lots of laughs and Karaoke....never thought I'd say I did it but I did. Someone has a pic to prove it - I think Brenda so I'll have to get the picture and post it......or not :). But can someone explain why Karaoke is pronounced Kar-e-o-kie? I'm puzzled......

Tracie clearly takes the prize for the best singer - she even does an intro before her song and gets the crowd into it :) She's either singing YMCA or Fame

Ryan honestly thought he was Lynyrd Skynyrd singing Sweet Home Alabama (P.S. the only vowel in his name is a Y????)

Randy would not take his turn on the mic so Ryan had to come to him......these 3 three boys crack me up!!!

Brenda's face......perhaps the singing was bad????

Happy New Year Friends!!! Cheers!!!

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